Houston Endowment Headquarters International Design Competition

Houston Endowment Headquarters International Design Competition

Houston Endowment (HE), a leading philanthropic organization based in Houston, Texas, has launched a global search for an outstanding design team of architects and landscape architects for the philanthropy's new headquarters.

The initiative, on a site adjoining Spotts Park near downtown Houston, will embed Houston Endowment in the community, and strengthen its work bringing people together from public, private, non-profit and philanthropic sectors to achieve lasting positive change for low-income and under-served sections of the local population.

The center, circa 40,000 square feet, will be the organization's new public face and will provide dedicated space for its team and community partners, including healthy workspaces, accessible and inspiring meeting spaces, and flexible and innovative engagement facilities. It is intended that the project, which has a construction value of US$20 million (excluding FF&E), will connect strongly with the wider landscape and Park.

The funding for the project has been secured, along with the site, and the project has a fast-track timetable - the finished building is due to open in May 2022.

"Through this competition, we are looking for a design team to create a new headquarters for us that reflects the way we work today," stated Ann Stern, President and CEO, Houston Endowment. "We need a visible presence that communicates our work as a thought leader and a committed, vital force within the city and region, and that is welcoming and accessible to our community partners. Equally, we need an outstanding workplace that encourages our own team to work collaboratively and effectively.

"In addition, over the past 20 years, Houston Endowment has made a significant contribution to the 'greening' of Houston, and this is a theme deeply woven into the project.

"This is an exciting moment for us, enabling us to establish a presence and identity at ground level in the city. It will also allow us to continue in the tradition of our founder Jesse H. Jones, who earned the nickname 'Mr. Houston' - in part for his contributions to building and developing our city."

No design is required at the first stage - rather designers will need to study the Search Statement and submit their approach to the project, experience and relevant design skills. The deadline for first stage responses is July 15, 2019.

more: competitions.malcolmreading.com (80)

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